HullWiper signs hull cleaning frame agreement with… | HullWiper

HullWiper signs hull cleaning frame agreement with Equinor ASA

24 Apr 2019

Hullwipers remotely operated vehicle rov gears up to clean vessel hull

World-class hull cleaning technology to service fleet

HullWiper Ltd has signed a hull cleaning frame agreement with Equinor ASA for its fleet of oil and gas tankers operating in Scandinavia, Far East, Middle East and Europe.

HullWiper is a global service provider of cost-efficient, safe and eco-friendly hull cleaning solutions which boost vessel efficiency and fuel savings to reduce CO2 emissions, whilst protecting vessel hull coatings and the delicate marine ecosystem. Its Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) system uses adjustable seawater jets under variable pressure to remove fouling, instead of brushes or abrasives, minimising the risk of damage to expensive anti-fouling coatings. No divers are used, so there is no risk to human life and cleaning can be conducted day or night, in most weather conditions, and whilst cargo operations are underway. Removed residues are collected by an onboard filter and deposited into dedicated drums onshore for locally-approved environmental disposal. The filter also reduces the risk of cross-pollination of waters with alien species.

Simon Doran, HullWiper’s Managing Director says the partnership with Equinor reflects his company’s commitment to proving the global shipping community with innovative, eco-friendly solutions at a time of increasing regulation. “We help ship owners and operators to act proactively to comply with ever more stringent rules and regulations governing the entry of vessels into ports and operations offshore.”

Just over five years since its launch in Dubai in late 2013, HullWiper now operates from ports in Sweden, Singapore, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Egypt, Australia, Gibraltar and the UAE, as well as other key locations in the Middle East on an ad hoc basis. New operations in Panama and Mauritius are coming in the second quarter of 2019, with advanced discussions ongoing for other locations specifically.

To find out what out what HullWiper can do for you your fleet, visit