HullWiper brings affordable hull cleaning to the Panama… | HullWiper

HullWiper brings affordable hull cleaning to the Panama Canal with Talleres Industriales

16 Oct 2018

William hill hullwiper vice president left and talleres industriales managing director lino arosemena

‘Gateway to the world’ first operations base in the Americas

HullWiper is meeting growing demand for affordable and eco-friendly hull cleaning in the Panama Canal in partnership with Talleres Industriales, S.A., a leading provider of subsea services.

It is the latest agreement signed under HullWiper’s global leasing programme introduced in 2017, which works with partners around the world to offer ship owners and operators a cost-efficient, brush- and diver-free alternative to traditional hull cleaning methods that is friendly both to the environment and the bottom line.

As the key transit point for vessels sailing between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Panama Canal is a gateway to the world and the obvious choice for HullWiper’s first operational location in the Americas.

Managing Director Simon Doran says: “With our ROV now available in the Panama Canal, owners and operators of commercial vessels in the transit queue can use their waiting time to remove marine fouling and enjoy the benefits of improved vessel performance, fuel savings and lower GHG emissions, without any extra downtime or harming the marine ecosystem.”

HullWiper’s patented Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) system uses adjustable seawater jets under variable pressure to remove fouling, instead of brushes or abrasives, minimising the risk of damage to expensive anti-fouling coatings. No divers are used, so there is no risk to human life and cleaning can be conducted day or night, in most weather conditions, and whilst cargo operations are underway. Removed residues are collected by an onboard filter and deposited into dedicated drums onshore for locally-approved environmental disposal. The filter also reduces the risk of cross-pollination of waters with alien species.

“We are excited to introduce HullWiper in the Panama Canal area,” says Talleres Industriales Managing Director, Lino Arosemena. “Our company has been serving the area for half a century, and now more than 1,200 vessels we attend to every year will have the opportunity to use this new service. HullWiper’s green credentials make it a good fit with other environmentally friendly technologies in which Talleres has invested in recent years, including sulphur cap solutions, ballast water system installation and pollution control division.”

Launched in Dubai in December 2013, HullWiper operates in ports around the world including Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Singapore, Spain, Netherlands, Egypt, Australia, UK, United Arab Emirates and – on an ad hoc basis – at key locations across the Middle East and is available for lease where HullWiper does not have its own base.

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William Hill, HullWiper Vice President (left) and Talleres Industriales Managing Director, Lino Arosemena